My Story
Where do I begin? My name is Chelsea and I live with my fiancé Adam. We've been together since 2013. We met at a pub while I was visiting from Canada on holiday. We hit it off and the rest was history. I moved to England to be with him using my dual nationality and we have remained happily together ever since. We have two children and a cat. Since becoming parents our lives have changed tremendously which leads me to the rest of my introduction.
I have been living the motherhood life for 2 1/2 years. I have loved every minute of it. Well, actually not every minute. To be more realistic, motherhood has many ups and downs. Far more than anything else in life I've ever experienced. But, on the whole, it's been the most rewarding, loving and unconditional responsibility I could have ever dreamed of. My kids are the center of my world and there happiness is my prerogative.
Adam and I have two children. Our son, Jack, who is 2 1/2 and our daughter, Maeve, who is 16 months. To look at them side by side they don't look like siblings. They're polar opposite from each other in looks and personality. We couldn't quite believe the difference in appearance between the two of them when Maeve was born. Most friends and family say Jack is like his Daddy and Maeve is like me.
Jack is very naturally smart. Not necessarily book smart (although, we wouldn't know this yet until he starts school) but I would say more an all-arounder in knowledge, perhaps when he's older he'll be the street smart type. He's very switched-on. He picks up on things quickly and has a great memory. He's full of life and very sociable. Shy sometimes but most of the time the entertaining child. He draws people's attention with his old-soul quirks and makes people laugh. He is also Maeve's biggest fan. He's our sensitive baby and he certainly wears his heart on his sleeve. Tantrums galore! Very loud tantrums might I add. But, only because he's quite expressive and what I believe to be an extravert type of person. Obviously, tantrums are a normal part of toddlerhood development but I've always believed his expressive outbursts go beyond a regular tantrum. At this point in time as Jack's mother I could confidently say I think he would make for a great barrister one day!
Maeve is our little boss lady. She is feisty and fearless. Her little attitude is so cute. Well, it's cute right now but perhaps in several year's time it might not be so cute. She's our tiny little Meemow (we got this nickname for her from Jack). Even all the kids at nursery call her Meemow. We still don't understand how she is so petite. For a girl, she eats a lot of food! Most times, we're astounded at how much she takes in. Especially when she decides to shove all her food in one massive bite. She must have a high metabolism.
Maeve is very laid back. She just goes with the flow and always has done. She's been a great sleeper since day one and loves a cuddle. She's quite verbal already and it's not hard to work out what she wants. Bless her heart, she really is extremely easy-going. I think when she's a grown woman she'll hold her own very well and I believe her confidence will continue to blossom and influence the paths she desires to walk down. At least, that's what I think now. I know she's still too young to technically tell!
As the title states "Pregnancy, Motherhood & Everything In Between" is what I'll be talking about in my blog. I love to write, I always have done. I'm a believer in writing your feelings down. To me, it's the best form of therapy and since becoming a mother my mental health has taken a huge plumet. I have been a rollercoaster of emotions for the last 2 1/2 years and I am finally taking the courage to write my true feelings down and sharing them publicly.
On an important side note, postpartum depression (which is one of the subjects I'll be speaking about) is a seriously real and concerning thing that doesn't get talked about enough. It can be so severe some women will end their lives because of it. Which is why as a postpartum sufferer I'd like to share my story on it. All I want is to be that little bit of help or motivation for a woman in need of support. You're not alone. This is something that has never left me and because I know plenty of women have suffered this I feel it's time to talk about it. Enjoy!
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