
Life's Greatest Creation

 Pregnancy is a sacred time in a woman's life. It's magical, special and a journey to be proud of. The opportunity to grow another human being in your tummy while nourishing the fetus through your own nutrition is one of life's amazing creations.

 When you really think about it, growing a human is hard work. Sure, you're getting on with your daily life while watching your cute bump grow but the inside of your body is working hard for nine months to manufacture a baby.

 In that short span of time your baby goes from the size of a pin head to an average 7 or 8 pounds. Within those months all it's vital organs are growing, it's brain, blood system, skeleton, hair and nails all growing. To think a majority of growing happens in the first trimester is no wonder why we feel exhausted and want to nap all day. The body is grafting hard and putting all its focus on developing the baby.

 Whether it be a smooth pregnancy or a rough one, the end result is the best accomplishment you could ever achieve. The proudest you'll ever feel.

 On a side note, I am fully aware this is a sensitive subject for some women and couples and I understand not all women get this opportunity. It's unfair as all women regardless of health issues should still be able to experience pregnancy. However, life works in strange ways and does not always allow for some women to embrace this chance. It's sad and I feel from the bottom of my heart for those who either can't fall or miscarry. 



My Pregnancy Journey's

 I have been pregnant twice. The first time with my son. The second time with my daughter. My pregnancies were fairly back to back. I fell pregnant with my daughter, Maeve, when Jack was six months old.

 Mine and Adam's decision to have two children close in age was always something we wanted. We both have a sibling that are 15 months apart from us. We both always said we liked growing up with a sibling close in age and remember it being a great time as kids.

 I have always been close with my brother and Adam with his sister and it's what we wanted for our little family having both experienced this kind of bond.

 Back in July 2019 I went away on a friends hen-do to Tenerife. It was a fun week. We partied, drank, dressed up and hardly slept. One of those nights I had a heart to heart with the bride-to-be. Adam and I were back and forth in our minds as to whether we wanted children or not. This was what I spoke to her about. I explained to her I didn't think there was a right time. Told her we live a great life just the two of us. No money worries, bought our first house, we could go out whenever we wanted, etc. She had two young boys at the time and in her (and my) drunken state kindly reminded me there was never going to be a right time. Time is ticking, you've lived a lot of great years together, you have a house so just go for it. If you're broody, just go for it.

 So we did...the next weekend! I literally fell pregnant the weekend after I came back from her hen-do. I look back with zero regrets.

 Three days before I was due on I suspected I could be pregnant. I told Adam that morning. He was excited and asked me to wait to tell him until he got home from work for the test result. I drove to Sainsburys first thing and bought a pregnancy test. I went straight to the disabled toilet and did the test. Two bold lines immediately appeared and I remember jumping up and down with excitement. I couldn't believe my eyes.

 Much to my impatience there was no way I could go all day without telling Adam so I phoned him. We were both so excited and that feeling of pure joy I felt that day will stay with me forever.

 We went for dinner that evening to celebrate and spoke about all our new future plans with our soon-to-be baby. We decided already we didn't want to find out the sex. We were keen on it being a nice surprise on the day.

 During my pregnancy I was very sick in the first and second trimester. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. The same condition Kate Middleton had in all her pregnancy's. I had medication for it but I didn't think it helped. I was taking a bowl with me in my car everywhere I went because the vomiting would spring on me at any time. It was especially embarrassing when I had to suddenly throw up in a public park bin with many people walking by with their dogs.

 Other than that, my pregnancy was very smooth sailing with Jack. I felt glowing and I was all belly. I craved toasted bagels and raw noodles but that was it.

 On the beginning of week 39 I opted to have a sweep and Jack was born two mornings after. I wanted to have a home water birth with him but I wasn't able to because of Covid. We were in the height of the first lockdown when he was born and I had no choice but to have him in hospital. Midwives would not do home deliveries. He was born in the water after two hours of pushing. I had no pain relief at all. No gas and air. All natural with Adam by my side. He was my rock. I felt so proud that day. It was the day I became a mum and an experience I'll forever treasure.

 Now, the aftermath with Jack went rapidly downhill. He was happy and healthy. It was me. My postnatal blues turned into postpartum depression. It became a seriously severe mental illness for me and what should have been the best time of my life became the worst. This is a subject I will cover on the Postpartum Depression page.

 Six months post delivery I fell pregnant again. This time with my daughter. The sickness with her was the same as my first pregnancy (out came the bowl again) and the cravings this time were chicken burgers. I accidentally found out she was a girl in the first 12 week scan. Just as the sonographer put the scanner across my stomach Maeve's legs were wide open and there it was, her girly bits! Unfortunately, because of Covid times Adam was not allowed in with me. The lady and I both laughed and I said "is that what I think it is" and she said "yes".

 Like Jack, I opted for a sweep and she was also born two days later. This time, as Covid rules had relaxed a bit I was able to have a water birth at home. It was an amazing experience. She was born in our lounge and I just so happen to be watching the swimming olympics at the same time. She was born at 9:30pm and the whole room was cleared out, cleaned up and sat down on my couch with a cup of tea at midnight with our new baby girl. It was a truly surreal and incredible experience.

 I realize I'm very lucky with both my pregnancy's. Both went well with no complications during labour and birth. Both times were miracles and proud moments of my life.